What began as nothing more than a simple Excel spreadsheet with a manual list of orders the month I started had evolved into an extremely complex, interactive website that I designed all the visual elements for. Beyond just this virtual storefront, I created all the trade-show materials, sample color-boards, custom-order designs, email blasts, facebook marketing graphics, promotional slide-shows, tutorials and even the Youtube videos. I worked directly with our China team to advise on questions with file instructions, and was quality-control before shipping any completed products out to our customers... this was all while handling day-to-day customer-calls too, as I was the ONLY hired staff dedicated to working on Zoom ID (As a side-note, I also designed award-winning pieces for their sister-company, Arrow Emblems, a web service that designs and manufactures an array of wholesale products). Tools Used: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, DreamWeaver, Acrobat, PowerPoint, Windows Movie Maker, Camtasia