Tools used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Sketchup
Below: Online Campaigns
2021 Members Savings Event & email assets
2020 Thanksgiving / Black Friday contest winner
2020 Cyber Monday contest winner
Days of Beauty landing page
2020 Thanksgiving / Black Friday contest winner
2020 Cyber Monday contest winner
Days of Beauty landing page

Below: Printwork
Mailer cover
Costco Connection eCom pages
Costco Connection eCom pages

Below: Special Event Feature

Below are a few web assets created for If you visit Costco's website, you will likely see many of my images throughout the site. They are updated on a weekly- and sometimes daily-basis.

If you have been to any of Costco's warehouses, you have very likely seen my print-work, from the Shop Online pieces found in various sizes to jewelry and grocery signage, MVM signs, apparel posters, endcap and holiday promotions, showcase features, in-store monitor ads and more. This last image is one of a few 3D renderings that was presented in a meeting for proposed signage. This rendering was created in Sketchup and finished in Photoshop (after going to the warehouse and taking pictures of what I needed to mock-up a composite).